Duration: 3 Days
This course provides an understanding of TRIRIGA management tools related to space management and move/add/change (MAC) processes, including use of the TRIRIGA CAD Integrator tool.
What You Will Learn
- Describe the functions of TRIRIGA Facilities
- Define move/add/changes processes
- Use TRIRIGA Facilities to link drawing files to the database and create location hierarchies
- Create SVG files and link back to the database
- Associate assets, people, and organizations to spaces
- Manage space class types
This intermediate level course is for anyone using TRIRIGA Facilities to manage space, including move/add/change processes, and individuals who will be implementing, configuring or administering the application components related to these processes.
You should have completed:
- TRIRIGA Portfolio training course (see TRIRIGA Portfolio (TA500))
You should have:
- Knowledge of Microsoft Windows or equivalent
- Understanding of how TRIRIGA Facilities will be implemented in your current environment, and how CAD Integrator will be utilized
- Basic to moderate CAD knowledge
Course Outline
Day One
- TRIRIGA Overview
- Location records
- Space classification
- Area measurements
- Space allocation to organizations
- People assignments
- Asset assignments
- Occupancy
Day Two
- Space audit and charge-backs
- Area level allocations
- Move requests and request engine
- Move Log
- Workplace Performance Management
- Attach Drawing
- Create/Attach/Upload Locations
- Assign people to spaces
Day Three
- Insert/Attach/Move Assets
- Asset Crates
- Find Command
- Queries and Runtime Queries
- Publish drawing
- Visual Queries
- Customize Labels
- Customize hatching and data query
- Fill Style and Label Style Managers
Note: Although TRIRIGA CAD Integrator works with both AutoCAD and MicroStation, this course will be taught using AutoCAD.
Course Labs