Duration: 3 Days
The vast majority of outsourced projects are new development or full scope
events. There are, however, opportunities for outsourcing to provide legacy
application re-engineering, ongoing maintenance, prototyping and even limited
element construction. Have we sent too much of the project offshore, when a
smaller portion might have been okay? Should we initially use outsourcing as a
way to learn about project dynamics and opportunity possibilities? Developing
the right plan for your project while preparing for the challenges will make for
project success on your outsource activities.
Outsourcing requires a continuous review of success and failure. You must be
prepared to assess the situation throughout each step of the process. In this
interactive workshop, you'll develop the skills and receive the tools necessary
to achieve results. Case studies facilitated by your instructor will give you
the practice needed to prepare for the real thing.
Certified Outsource/Offshore Project Manager (COOPM)
What You Will Learn
- Accurately measure the cost vs. the benefits on any outsourced project
Mechanics of cross-cultural teamwork and how to integrate them on your
How your weaknesses that you compensated for now have to be addressed
when projects are outsourced
Why successful outsourcing is not driven by contractual stipulations
(these are remedial measures)
Importance of ownership responsibilities being clearly defined
Different communication mediums available and why multiple trips might be
Why onshore contracts from outsource providers does not deliver better
How project management involves three plans, each intertwined with the
other (outsourcer-client-collaborative plans)
That outsourcing requires onshore investment in details that would have
been compensated for through local understanding
That a "word" does not necessarily mean "the word"
Why failure propensity in outsourcing is directly attributable to mutual
misunderstanding and lack of outsourcing knowledge and experience
Establish realistic expectations beyond cost savings
What portion of work to outsource and what portion to retain
Warning signs of things going wrong and techniques for dealing with them
Cultural benefits that add value to all team members
When owning offshore may be the answer to success and when it is not the
answer for your situation
How to pick the right project and techniques for ensuring its success
Form-specific measures that monitor outsourced projects
Key steps to becoming an effective Outsource/Offshore Project Manager
How Outsource/Offshore Project Management can be a team event and why
that matters
Anyone who needs to accurately understand and manage the role of diverse, remote, cross-cultural teams, including management responsible for outsourced engagements, project managers and project quality managers, testers, IT auditors/managers/directors, business analysts (BAs), operations managers/directors
Course Outline
1. Project Component Ownership
Client Side Components
Outsourcer Provide Components
Joint Components
- Collaboratively Constructed & Owned
2. Project Synchronization Establishing Balance
Client Project Management
Merging Your PM with Outsourced PM
Synchronization of Time & Delivery
Defining Delivery
3. Project Metrics
Establishing Goals
Agreeing Upon Measurement Sources
Measurement Reconciliation and Reporting
Using Metrics to Support PM
4. Project Communications: Construction/V&V/Delivery Periods
Understanding the Client Role
Defind & Convey Expectations (w/Detail)
Ask for What You Want
Focus on "What" not "How" (but be inquisitive)
Jointly Engineered Communication Model
Mistakes in Communications
5. Pre- and Post-Delivery Outsourcer Tasks
Project Management
Artifact & Component Construction/Qualification/Delivery
Application of Professional Expertise
Insure Client Input Adequacy
6. Pre- and Post-Delivery Client Tasks
Qualified Specifications
Inquiry & Dialog Availability
Qualification of Received Artifacts & Components
Timely and Complete Feedback
7. Harmony through Touchbacks
Communication Framework Value
Healthy Boundaries
Coordination of Effort
Real-time Visibility vs. Status Reporting
Asking the Question.
8. Recognizing Cultural & Work Differences
Paradigm Variances
How Much Do You Mandate
Impact on End Results
Utilizing Differences to Enjoy the Project Experience
9. Managing for Success
Meeting Client (your) Obligations
Measuring Progress
Maintaining Healthy Communications
Managing Delivery & Implementation
Exercise 1: Teams and Project Management
Exercise 2: Communications
Exercise 3: Managing Remotely
Exercise 4: Cultural Differences
Course Labs