Duration: 3 Days
Identify the challenges you will face when implementing an Agile method and
plan for a successful transition from waterfall or other traditional software
development approaches! This is your Agile method foundation course.
Agile software development methods represent a departure from traditional
waterfall approaches in significant ways. Yet there are long standing and highly
successful approaches from industry that historically support concepts of
agility going back at least thirty years. Capturing a clear understanding of
these concepts, you will be able to capitalize on them to gain the cooperation
and acceptance of stakeholders who must approve and participate. There are
significant benefits available with Agile methods that can address the high
risks, unknowns, and uncertainties that beset contemporary projects. These
complexities can best be addressed with a flexible and adaptable model that
faces the problems and provides the tools to change the way work is done and
address the issues head on.
In this course, you will experience several case study scenarios that typify
the attributes of most projects in your organization, each providing a
recognition point as you explore and discuss the hurdles to Agile. Learn to
overcome these hurdles and interweave your traditional practices with Agility to
develop the best software for your organization.
What You Will Learn
- Align Agile practices with PMI's A Guide to the Project Management
Body of Knowledge®
Implement Agile practices that are compatible with the SEI's CMMI®
Adopt Agile requirements practices that conform to the Business Analysis
Body of Knowledge
Eliminate the "dirty dozen" traditional practices that sabotage
project flexibility and success
Embrace the 5 philosophies that enable Agility and implement the 3 core
Agile practices
Identify software problems in your organization that are addressed by
Agile approaches
Redefine the project manager's role to be a leader and coach
Ensure that the software you deliver provides the highest possible value
in your customer's eyes
Neutralize the disruptive effects of change through iterative planning
and adaptation
Software Development Manager
Software Project Manager
Software Team Lead
Quality Assurance Specialist
Process Engineer
Software Developer or Tester
Software Project Customer
IT Director or Manager
Working knowledge of software development and software testing project management techniques
Course Outline
1. Fundamentals of Agility
Agile Essentials
The Agile Manifesto
The Agile Lifecycle
Learning and Adaptation
Customer Focus
Self-Directed Teams
Lean Principles
Progressive Requirements Elaboration (PMI states that a project is a
Progressive Elaboration!)
Incremental Delivery
Iterative Planning and Adaptation
The best 'bang-for-the-buck' risk mitigation strategy (what is it?)
2. Waterfall and Case Studies
Adaptive Planning
Waterfall practice
The project manager
Shielding developers & customers from each other
Building silos of responsibility
Documents as the primary means of communication
Lessons Learned at project end
Agile practice
The Agile coach
Team focused
Continuous collaboration
Face-to-face communication
Self-directed teams
Regular feedback and retrospectives
Waterfall Practice
JAD Sessions
Q & A
All requirements documented and signed off before work begins
Changes to requirements downstream demand a top heavy Change Control
All requirements are a #1 priority
Agile Practice
Users describe what they need in "story" format ("user
The feature list is prioritized by the customer (product owner) in an
overall product "backlog"
The highest priority features undergo detailed elaboration for the first
product iteration
Key Agile Skills: Gemba visits and development of story cards
Scope Creep
Waterfall Practice
Changes from baseline must be assessed for timeline and dollar impacts
The change process must be documented in detail
Customer signoff is required
Change Control Board meeting is required to either accept or reject the
Agile Practice
Change is welcomed as an expected consequence of Progressive Elaboration
Changes are added to the backlog resulting in a changed feature set
Adjustments in schedule as the team adapts to the new elements
The customer adjusts priorities as required by business needs, changes in
the market, new regulations, etc.
Waterfall Practice
Developers perform Unit testing only
Code is thrown 'over the wall' for QA testing
System testing in a monolithic 'QA Slam' at the end of development
QA is responsible for quality
Agile Practice
Development, the customer, and QA collaborate
Product increments developed, tested, released to production standards
Everyone is responsible for quality
With each completed iteration, code from earlier iterations is tested
regressively and multiple times, creating a very robust code set
Quality is designed into the product/process and not inspected in with
final test cycle
Key Agile Practice: Strong Unit testing practice (Zero Quality Control and/or
Test-Driven development)
Command and Control
Waterfall Practice
Project manager assigns work to the team
Command process is not collaborative
The project plan is 'etched in stone'
Assumes project execution is linear
Top-down methodology usually followed
Variances are usually considered negative
Agile Practice
Self organizing team selects its own work
Project manager is a facilitator and a coach
Design evolves as more is understood about the project
Collaboration between the team and client results in higher productivity
and ownership
Mistakes are tolerated as a necessary component of learning
Key Agile Practice and Skill: The daily standup
"Big Bangvs. Incremental Delivery
Waterfall Practice
Project generally proceeds with sequential analysis, requirements,
design, coding, and test phases
Customer does not see a working product until close to the end of the
test cycle
The Processes Change Averse: Discovery or missed requirements can cause
delays and add significant dollars to the project budget
The entire feature set is worked as a single top priority element
Risk is generally managed by exception and handled as it occurs
Agile Practice
Highest priority features are developed first
Highest risk factors are addressed early in the project: concurrent
engineering practices result in the best architectures and best overall design
Working elements of the product are delivered in measured increments: the
customer sees and experiences the product growing before their eyes
Discovery and new requirements are merged with the existing product
backlog; rework and delays are relatively small or insignificant
Key Agile Skills: Agile Risk Management and defining the project lifecycle as
separate from the project management lifecycle
3. Transition Strategies
All or Nothing
Traction with Agility
Overcoming Resistance
Predictive planning
Command and control management
Reliance on corrective action to "fix" problems (Conformance to
Agility is seen as "undisciplined", weak on documentation,
Agility is nothing but "galloping scope creep"
Jobs may change or be eliminated
No desire to expose "bad wiring" and/or fix the broken processes
The WIIFM syndrome (what's in it for me?) and how to approach
4. Course Wrap-Up
Course Labs
Exercise 1: What are the biggest project issues you and your organization face?
You will compile a list of what is broken and use this list as a touchstone for
the exercises that follow.
Exercise 2: What aspects of agility have you already incorporated into your
organization? Review you current processes, even if they are described with
other names, and identify ways in which your organization has embraced any of
these concepts.
Exercise 3: Explore how adaptive planning can benefit the organization. Where
can this help the highly regulated business, government organizations,
methodology centric organizations?
Exercise 4: Explore the benefits of progressive elaboration of requirements.
Discover how prioritization of the feature set can deliver the highest business
value to the customer.
Exercise 5: Explore how adaptability defuses the scope-creep issue. As users
prioritize needs and features, changes in scope are assimilated into the project
based on prioritized need. Reviewing the case studies, select several that would
receive benefit from implementing adaptable change.
Exercise 6: Explore the triple constraints of project management in terms of
quality. Identify the top elements that contribute to customer satisfaction. How
does your customer define quality?
Exercise 7: Several organizations that employ the concept of self-organizing
teams will be explored. How does this drive greater ownership of the project
deliverables on the part of the performing organization? In what situations is a
C & C model effective and where does it fail?
Exercise 8: Certain development environments function very well using a
waterfall approach. What kind of project organization, product cycle, and
methodology is used for a well-executed waterfall approach? Several case studies
will be reviewed and the results analyzed.
Exercise 9: You will use a Excel "case studiesspreadsheet to review
agile techniques and define which techniques can be implemented immediately, in
one to four months, or which may be problematic at any phase.
Exercise 10: Identify the issues in your organization that lead to excessive
rework, waste, service after service, scrap, or any situation that costs the
organization wasted time and wasted dollars. Address these issues on the agile
"Techniquesspreadsheet. Use the "cost of quality"
spreadsheet to quantify the loss in dollars.
Exercise 11: Define the areas where your organization may put up resistance to
implementing agile process. Identify where the resistance is due to fear,
misunderstanding, lack of training, or some other issue. You will explore
avenues of resolution and methods to help your organization harvest the benefits
of agile implementations.
Exercise 12: Prioritize the Agile concepts that you could introduce in your
organization. For the three highest-priority concepts, create an action plan to
make those things a reality on your projects. Compare notes with other