Duration: 3 Days
This course, designed for mid-level and developing managers, will focus on gaining a better understanding of yourself and how your behavior affects your own effectiveness and the actions of your team. You'll learn key components of team dynamics and how understanding individual goals, values, strengths, and weaknesses can lead to more effective style of management and overall team performance.
What You Will Learn
- Ensure long-term business results by focusing on employee development
- Meet the diverse needs of all your team members with communication techniques
- Align motivation with work and personal goals
- Anticipate and resolve conflict situations
- Instill a culture based on trust, partnerships, and respect
- Increase dialogue and constructive feedback for
- Partner with your team to ensure long-term productivity
- Delegate to increase performance and individual growth
Experienced managers with three to five years of management experience
Prior attendance in at least one skills-based management course is recommended
Course Outline
1. The Learning Workplace
- Value of participating in this seminar to your organization and yourself
- Assess your approach to challenges from your staff
- Emphasize how to best meet your learning priorities
2. How Others See Us: The Manager's Style
- Primary behavioral characteristics others see in the workplace
- How behavioral style influences the actions of others
- Plan actions to improve personal and group effectiveness using a range of behavioral styles
3. Managing Teams
- Differentiate a team from a workgroup
- Participate in a successful team activity
- Focus on behavioral indicators that lead to successful team performance
- Develop strategies for improving the effectiveness of teams
4. The Transformational Coach: Partnership Coaching
- Redefine the role of the manager as a learning partner
- Contrast transactional and transformational coaching behaviors
- Assess the readiness of your current work environment for effective partnership coaching
- Assess current coaching competencies
- Develop a plan for evolving a trusting learning environment
- Select key behavioral approaches to improve partnership coaching effectiveness
5. Style and Motivation
- Key values that are typical to each behavioral style
- Articulate the relationship between values and individual expectations in motivating employees
- Current recognition, rewards, and benefit systems for employee growth and performance
- Select motivators based on individual needs
6. Managing Conflict
- Proactively deal with conflict
- Assess your personal preferences and habits in dealing with conflict
- Five primary modes for reaching successful resolution
- Shift your approach effectively by recognizing key indicators
- Situations that illustrate the need for skill
- Promote a learning culture that uses conflict as a platform for building trust and enhancing creativity
7. Delegation for Growth
- Delegation as a tool for professional and personal growth
- Risks in delegating
- Barriers to effective delegating
- Assess the effectiveness of your current delegating practices
8. Managing Performance and Growth: A Management Simulation
- Performance management
- Team dynamics
- Successful team behaviors
- Strategies you will use back at work
Course Labs