The Red Hat JBoss Certified Developer (RHCJD) exam is a performance-based evaluation of your skills and knowledge regarding the implementation of enterprise applications using common enterprise specifications. With performance-based testing, you must perform tasks similar to what you perform on the job.
In this exam, you are asked to perform a number of common development tasks which require the use of certain application programming interfaces (APIs) and specifications. You are then evaluated on how well your implementations meet objective criteria such as being able to access an object instance using a specified webs service.
Note: Proven Impact and Red Hat do not guarantee that anyone who takes one or all of the courses in the Red Hat certification program will pass a Red Hat exam. On-the-job experience, in combination with high-quality training, is the best way to build skills and prepare for a Red Hat exam. The exam itself is a hands-on learning experience, and many of those who do not pass on the first try come away with knowledge of what they need to work on to pass the exam on a re-take.
Java EE Developers
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