Duration: 4 Days
Get the skills you need to deploy and manage Red Hat systems to enterprise standards of reliability, availability, scalability, and manageability in this 4-day intensive hands-on lab course updated for the current version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Central to the course is hands-on training in the use of the Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite Server for deployment, provisioning, and monitoring of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems.
Learn how to implement and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux deployments efficiently and effectively in ways that make the entire enterprise deployment manageable by a team. Install and deploy a RHN Satellite Server and use this server to keep a range of systems up to date, to provision new systems, and to monitor existing systems. With the satellite server, create custom software channels and custom configuration channels. Use the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) to create your own RPMs, and manage the RPMs using CVS and the RHN Satellite Server. Finally, create a netdump server that collects kernel core dumps from many systems, saving them to a single system.
You'll also get a technology preview of Xen virtualization, a method for virtualizing a computer, allowing multiple host operating systems to run on a single hardware platform. The Xen technology preview will be taught using Fedora Core 5.
What You Will Learn
- Large-scale deployment and management of mission-critical Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems using the RHN and the RHN Satellite Server
- Provision systems using the RHN Satellite Server, custom software channels, custom configuration channels, and kickstart
- Use the RHN Satellite Server to configure monitoring probes
- Construct and deploy custom RPMs
- Use of DHCP and PXE boot for deployment
- Manage configuration files using CVS
- Use the network crash dump system to preserve kernel crash dumps
RH401 is aimed at senior Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators and other IT professionals working in enterprise environments and mission-critical systems.
RH401 requires RHCE-level skills. The RHCE certificate on 7.1 or higher is recommended but not required. Prerequisite skills can be evidenced by passing the RHCE Exam in either RH302, RH300, by taking RH253, or by possessing comparable skills and knowledge.
Note: Persons should not enroll in RH401 without meeting the above prerequisites. All prospective course participants who do not possess RHCE certification are strongly advised to contact Red Hat Proven Impact Learning Services for a skills assessment when they enroll.
Course Outline
1. Essential System Management
- System management tasks
- Standardization, centralization, and scalability
- Provisioning and Automation
- Red Hat tools for system management
2. Installing a Red Hat Network (RHN) Satellite Server
- Features and advantages of the RHN Satellite Server
- Types of RHN Satellite Servers
- RHN Satellite Server hardware requirements
- Understanding software channels
- Installing an RHN Satellite Server
- Populating an RHN Satellite Server
- Troubleshooting an RHN Satellite Server installation
3. Building RPMs
- Building open source software
- Using RPM macros
- Writing custom spec files
- Using rpmbuild to create and sign RPMs
- Guidelines for custom RPMs
4. Use of CVS to Manage Configuration Files
- Basics of CVS for system administrators
- Creating local and remote repository access
- Structuring a CVS project
- Using CVS to track, log, and reverse configuration changes
5. Managing the RHN Satellite Server
- Preparing a client to use a RHN Satellite Server
- Creating and managing custom channels
6. RHN Management and Provisioning
- Types of RHN service
- Elements of a deployment system
- Use of custom channels in a deployment system
- Using configuration channels to maintain system configuration
- Automating installations through kickstart
7. Red Hat Network Proxy Server
- Hosted RHN vs. Proxy Server
- Proxy Server software and hardware requirements
- Installing RHN Proxy Server
- Configuring clents to use RHN Proxy Server
8. Monitoring Systems with RHN
- RHN monitoring architecture
- RHN monitoring components
- Probes and notifications
9. Network Kernel Crash Dumps and netdump
- Saving crash signatures over the network
- Saving crash dumps over the network
- Configuring netdump servers
- Configuring netdump clients
10. DHCP and PXE boot
- DHCP server design and configuration
- Preboot Execution Environment
- Setup PXE and PXELINUX
- Kickstart and DHCP
11. Xen Technology Preview
- Understanding virtualization
- Xen terminology
- Hardware requirements
- Xen tools
- Creating and bootstrapping a domain
- Accessing and monitoring a domain
- The art of Xen security
Note: The Xen Technology Preview will be taught using Fedora Core 5. As of this writing, the Xen virtualization system is not available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Course Labs