Duration: 4 Days
In this course, you will cover the procedures necessary for setting up and managing the HP-UX disk subsystem using Logical Volume Manager (LVM). You will gain experience with MirrorDisk/UX using various recovery techniques to provide data redundancy and protection against possible disk failure. You will spend 50 percent of class using HP servers in hands-on labs.
What You Will Learn
- Configure and manage LVM disks, disk groups, and logical volumes
- Configure striped, mirrored, and distributed logical volumes
- Configure LVM for optimal performance
- Recover failed LVM disks and volumes
- Mirror LVM data and boot disks to improve uptime and reliability
- Replace failed LVM data and boot disks
Experienced HP-UX system administrators
- HP-UX System and Network Administration I and HP-UX System and Network
Administration II or
- HP-UX for Experienced UNIX System Administrators
Course Outline
1. Disk Space Management and LVM
- Disk Space
Management Solutions
- Whole Disk Benefits and Limitations
- LVM Benefits and
- LVM Resources
- Disk Space Management Solution Comparison
2. Disk Array and SAN Concepts and Addressing
- Disk
Array Concepts
- LUN Concepts
- RAID Concepts
- RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 1+0, and
RAID 0+1 Concepts
- RAID 3, RAID 5, and RAID 5DP Concepts
- RAID Levels and
- SAN and Multipathing Concepts
- Hardware Address Concepts
- Legacy vs.
Agile View Hardware Addresses
- Legacy Parallel SCSI Hardware Addresses
- Legacy FC Hardware Addresses
- Legacy DSF Names
- Viewing Legacy Hardware
Addresses and DSFs
- Agile View SCSI Hardware Addresses
- Agile View FC LUN
Path Hardware Addresses
- Agile View FC LUN Hardware Addresses
- Agile View
Persistent DSFs
- Viewing Agile View Hardware Addresses and DSFs
- Viewing an
HBA's L LUN Paths via Agile View
- Viewing a LUN's WWID and LUN ID via Agile
- Viewing a LUN's WWID and LUN Paths via Agile View
- Selecting a Path
Load Balancing Policy
- Monitoring HBA, LUN, and LUN Path Usage
- Monitoring
HB, LUN, and LUN Path Health
- Enabling and Disabling LUNs and LUN Paths
3. LVM Concepts and Structures
- LVM Objects
Physical Volumes, Volume Groups, and Logical Volumes
- LVM DSF Directories and
- LVM Extents and Extent Sizes
- LVM Extent Allocation
and BBRA Areas
- LVM Kernel Structures and Volume Group Activation
Activation Quorum
- LVM Running Quorum
- LVMv1.0 and v2.x Limits
Creating and Managing Volume Groups and Logical Volumes
- Identifying Available
- Creating Physical Volumes
- Creating Volume Groups
- Creating Logical
- Viewing Groups and Volumes
- Extending, Reducing, and Removing
Volume Groups
- Extending, Reducing, and Removing Logical Volumes
- Extending
and Reducing File Systems
- Removing Physical Volumes
- Activating and
Deactivating Volume Groups
- LVM basic Command Summary
Configuring and Managing Mirrored Logical Volumes
- Mirroring Concepts
- Installing MirrorDisk/UX
- Mirroring Logical Volumes
- Viewing Logical Volumes
- Unmirroring Logical Volumes
- Synchronizing Mirrors
- Splitting and Merging
Mirrors for On-Host and Off-Host Backups
- Configuring Spare Physical Volumes
6. Configuring and Managing Mirroring Policies
- Mirroring Policy Concepts
- Mirror Scheduling Policy Concepts
- Choosing and
Configuring an Appropriate Mirror Scheduling Policy
- Mirror Consistency
Recovery Policy Concepts
- Choosing and Configuring an Appropriate Consistency
Recovery Policy
- Mirror Allocation Policy Concepts
- Choosing and Configuring
an Appropriate Mirror Allocation Policy
- Mirroring Policy Summary
Creating and Managing Striped and Distributed Logical Volumes
- Striped Logical
- Configuring Non-Mirrored Striped Logical Volumes
- Striped vs. Distributed
Logical Volumes
- Creating a Non-Mirrored Distributed Logical Volume
- Creating a Mirrored Distributed Logical Volume
- Configuring /etc/lvmpvg for
Distributed Logical Volumes
8. Moving Data in an
LVM Environment
- Why move extents within a volume group
- Moving and
balancing physical extents with pvmove
- Moving and balancing logical volumes
with lvmove
- Moving logical volumes and physical extents with vgmove
9. Exporting and Importing Volume Groups
- Volume Group
Export/Import Concepts
- Structures Affected by Physical Volume and Volume
Group Moves
- Volume Group Export/Import Commands
- Moving Volume Groups and
Physical Volumes to a Different Server
- Moving a Physical Volume to a New
- Renaming a Volume Group
- Importing Volume Groups After Reinstalling
- Importing Split Mirrors for Off-Host Processing
- Exporting a Corrupted Volume
- Importing Volume Groups in Serviceguard Clusters
Monitoring and Tuning LVM Performance
- LVM performance considerations
- Balancing Workloads
- Concepts and Symptoms
- Overriding the Default Allocation Policy
- Striping Logical
- Mirroring Logical Volumes
- Minimizing Head
Movement: Concepts, Symptoms, and Commands
- Avoiding Fragmentation: Concepts,
Symptoms, and Commands
- Minimizing MWC/MCR Overhead: Concepts, Symptoms, and
- Buying Faster Disks and Interfaces
- Updating the Operating System
- Other Performance Factors
11. Recovering LVM Disks and Structures
- LVM Structure Concepts
- Recovering Lost or Damaged LVM Structures
- Recovering Missing Device Files
- Rebuilding a Corrupt /etc/lvmtab File
- Refreshing Outdated Kernel Structures
- Failed Disks
- Symptoms Experienced by Users
- Symptoms Reported in
- Symptoms Reported by EMS
- Symptoms Reported in vgdisplay
- Symptoms Reported in
- Activating a Volume Group Containing Failed Disks
- Gathering
Information About Failed Disks
- Restoring a Power-Failed Disk
- Replacing a
Failed Disk
- Replacing a Disk with and without LVM OLR
- Replacing LVM
- Replacing Unmirrored Logical Volumes
- Replacing Mirrored Logical
- Removing Failed Physical Volumes
- Removing Corrupted Volume Groups
- Proactively Checking PVRA/VGRA Health
- Preparing for Disk Recovery
Managing Volume Group Attributes
- LVMv1 and LVMv2 Attribute Concepts and
- Managing LVMv1 and LVMv2 Attributes with vgmodify
- Expanding and
Contracting LUNs Offline And Online with vgmodify
- Upgrading and Downgrading
Volume grousp with vgversion
13. Configuring and Managing LVM Boot
Disks on PA-RISC Servers
- PA-RISC Boot Process Structures, Concepts, and
- Booting without LVM Quorum
- Booting to LVM Maintenance Mode
- PA-RISC Boot Disk Mirroring Concepts
- Mirroring an Integrity Boot Disk
- Replacing a Failed Integrity Boot Mirror
- Creating and Updating a DRD Clone
- Creating a PA-RISC Make_*_Recovery Archive
- Resizing PA-RISC Boot Disk Logical
14. Configuring and Managing LVM Boot Disks on Integrity
- Integrity Boot Process Structures, Concepts, and Restrictions
- Booting without LVM Quorum
- Booting to LVM Maintenance Mode
- Integrity Boot
Disk Mirroring Concepts
- Mirroring an Integrity Boot Disk
- Replacing a
Failed Integrity Boot Mirror
- Creating and Updating a DRD Clone
- Creating an
Integrity Make_*_Recovery Archive
- Resizing Integrity Boot Disk Logical
Appendix A: Configuring and Managing PV Links
- PV Link
- Configuring PV Links
- Viewing, Ad
Course Labs